Radnor Township
Delaware County, Ohio
4061 State Route 203
Radnor, Ohio 43066
Phone: 740-595-3623
Fax: 740-595-3338
"Facts and Fiction" Understanding the 2023 Delaware County property reappraisal process
The Radnor Township Board of Trustees have set their 2025 meeting schedule. Monthly regular meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 P.M. and the fourth Monday at 8:00 A.M. All meetings are held at the Radnor Community Center, 4061 State Route 203. Any cancellations or special meetings will be posted 24 hours in advance on the Township's website and posted on the door of the Radnor Township Community Center.
Welcome to the home page of Radnor Township located in Delaware County, Ohio.
This website is provided as a service to our residents.
Radnor Township is located in northern Delaware County and has a population of over 1400 citizens. Founded prior to 1800 by Welsh immigrants, the township’s heritage can still be identified today more than 200 years later. Agriculture still plays a prominent role in the day to day lives of many residents today as it did the founding fathers.
The township operates a 25 man volunteer fire department, www.radnorfire.org. In addition, the township maintains over 28 miles of roads as well as two cemeteries, one active and one inactive.